Dear Dolphin Cay Neighbors,
We certainly hope everyone is safe and healthy. So many of our winter residents have had to stay in their Florida homes for an extended period and it has been a great joy to see everyone out getting exercise while abiding with the social distancing restrictions. Dolphin Cay went from a fair first quarter to a dismal second quarter on unit sold and units available for sale. Second quarter sales were only 5 units compared to 11+ the previous three years running. While we continued to have slower but consistent showings and sales, it was nowhere near the previous volume. However, when Florida opened in Mid-May, everything took off. Everyone seems to want to come to Florida and more importantly, the west coast of Florida. The largest issue across the board in our area is low inventory. So, if you are thinking about selling….. There is no question that this is an opportune time to do so. Prices have been stable for the unit size and quality being sold. Dolphin Cay remains in Demand!!
I also wanted to be certain you received my newsletter on how we are keeping our property safe during these trying times. Safe precautions are being taking with all potential buyers coming into Dolphin Cay. I will be happy to forward you a copy of the Frequently Asked qustions if you have not received your copy. It can also be found on the Blog at
Below is the sales information by building. This is the first time this chart has shown that all buildings are achieving in excess of $300 per square foot, even though the overall Price Per Sq. Ft is down slightly. Total credit goes to all the HOA and the DCPOA for their continued vigilance in keeping Dolphin Cay a Premier Property. We are quite fortunate to have some many caring residents that participate in our Board and to their hard work in keeping this property up-to-date.
Please contact me if you are interested in a complimentary consultation on the value of your property. You can visit my website at for information about Pinellas County communities or for more information about Dolphin Cay. You can also join the Dolphin Cay community Facebook page by searching “Lifestyles at Dolphin Cay” on Facebook and requesting to join. It is a great way to keep in touch with our neighbors. I look forward to seeing you around our community. The full newsletter and additional charts can be found on my BLOG page at
All the best,
Deborah Eagan, Realtor, GRI, CNE, CLHMS
13-Year Dolphin Cay Resident
#1 Realtor in Dolphin Cay since 2015
#1 Realtor KW Realty St. Pete 2016, 2017, 2018,2019
Additional Charts for Dolphin Cay
The rolling 12-month average for condominium sales in Dolphin Cay Decreased slight from the last quarter as a result of minimal sales activity. The chart still shows Deborah Eagan as the market maker for Dolphin Cay with an average sales price per square foot $13 higher than the other real estate agents.
Deborah Eagan leads all other realtors combined in dollars and units sold in Dolphin Cay by almost 3 to 1. Coincidentally, for this twelve month period, the percentages for units and dollars is identical. Deborah Eagan with 70% of the dollars and units, Other agents with 26% of the units and dollars and private sales with 4% of units and dollars. It should be noted that while Deborah Eagan sold 16 or the 23 units in the last 12-months, not other realtor had more than two transactions in Dolphin Cay during that same period YTD 2020 there are 15 Condominiums sold or under contract. Deborah Eagan has sold 11 of those and no other agent has more than 1 sale.